ComponentOpenShift ComponentsProvides an index of reusable services for developers and related information.
ComponentSonarQube on OpenShiftDocumentation and resources (complete with examples) required to deploy a SonarQube server instance into a BCGov OpenShift pathfinder environment, and integrate SonarQube and ZAP scanning into your Jenkins pipeline. With SonarQube you can perform and report on code quality, and code coverage, and scan for known vulnerabilities and security issues.
ComponentBackup ContainerA simple containerized backup solution for backing up one or more supported databases to a secondary location.
ComponentMatomo OpenShiftGet started with docs and resources for Matomo, a fully featured web analytics server. It's a great alternative to Google Analytics when data ownership and privacy compliance are a concern.
ComponentFathomFathom Analytics provides very simple website stats without tracking or storing personal data.
ComponentOracle Instant Client Base ImageAn image that can be used for chained builds that require Oracle Instant Client software RPM's.
ComponentOWASP ZAP Security Vulnerability ScanningThe OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) automatically finds security vulnerabilities in web applications.
ComponentColour PalettePrimary and secondary colours to be used on all government digital websites and services.
ComponentTypographyFont families and styling to be used on all government digital websites and services.
ComponentIconsIconography uses images and symbols to represent an object visually. They communicate a message and should be distinct and informative.
ComponentHeader - BasicHeaders help users understand what the content of the page is about and provides a quick, organized way to reach the main sections of a website.
ComponentFooter - BasicFooter help users understand what the content of the page is about and provides a quick, organized way to reach the main sections of a website.
ComponentNavigation Bar – BasicNavigation bars provide a list of links to important content on a website or application. Typically they are placed in the header.
ComponentDisabled ButtonDisabled buttons are greyed out to indicate to users that they cannot undertake the action associated with it.
ComponentCalloutCallouts are an excerpt of text that has been pulled out and used as a visual clue to draw the eye to the text.
ComponentText InputText inputs allow users to enter any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols of their choosing in a structured format.
ComponentComponent BacklogComponents are constantly being added to the design system. The backlog shows what’s on the list, upcoming, and currently in development.
ComponentPropose a New ComponentAnyone can propose a new component for inclusion in the B.C. government Design System. Components are proposed and selected for development based off our evaluation criteria.