


Developer Toy Box

A trove of apps/components/stuff/things that are usable by anyone running OpenShift - in particular BC Gov teams "doing" Agile/DevOps.

Oracle Instant Client Libraries Base Image

This repository can be used for chained builds that require Oracle Instant Client software RPM's. The docker image is a base rhl7 image containing the oracle rpms. The chained build simply copies the oracle rpms from this image and installs it.


These RPM's were obtained from the [Oracle Technology Network] (

  • oracle-instantclient12.2-basic-
  • oracle-instantclient12.2-devel-
  • oracle-instantclient12.2-sqlplus-

Refer to the above URL for a reference to the subsequent steps necessary to install the RPM's on RHEL.

Chained builds can reference the files at:



Code released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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