


Developer Toy Box

A trove of apps/components/stuff/things that are usable by anyone running OpenShift - in particular BC Gov teams "doing" Agile/DevOps.

OWASP ZAP Security Vulnerability Scanning

The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) automatically finds security vulnerabilities in web applications.

The tool runs in the pipeline with several pre-packaged options:

Please see the original repository for more details on how this image was built.

Common options for the baseline scan are:

Usage: -t [options]

-t target         target URL including the protocol, eg


-c config_file    config file to use to INFO, IGNORE or FAIL warnings
-u config_url     URL of config file to use to INFO, IGNORE or FAIL warnings
-g gen_file       generate default config file (all rules set to WARN)
-m mins           the number of minutes to spider for (default 1)
-r report_html    file to write the full ZAP HTML report')
-w report_md      file to write the full ZAP Wiki (Markdown) report
-x report_xml     file to write the full ZAP XML report
-a                include the alpha passive scan rules as well
-d                show debug messages
-P                specify listen port
-D                delay in seconds to wait for passive scanning
-i                default rules not in the config file to INFO
-j                use the Ajax spider in addition to the traditional one
-l level          minimum level to show: PASS, IGNORE, INFO, WARN or FAIL, use with -s to hide example URLs
-n context_file   context file which will be loaded prior to spidering the target
-p progress_file  progress file which specifies issues that are being addressed
-s                short output format - dont show PASSes or example URLs
-z zap_options    ZAP command line options e.g. -z "-config aaa=bbb -config ccc=ddd"

Integrating OWASP ZAP Scanning and Reporting into your Project

To make the results of your ZAP security vulnerability scanning more accessible you can integrate the scan results into a SonarQube project report. Detailed documentation and examples can be found in the SonarQube on OpenShift project, which leverages the openshift/jenkins-slave-zap image generated from this project's source.

Experiment with running OWASP ZAP in a pipeline

The simplest way to experiment with running ZAP in a pipeline is to include the following code in your pipeline Jenkinsfile:

podTemplate(label: 'owasp-zap', name: 'owasp-zap', serviceAccount: 'jenkins', cloud: 'openshift', containers: [
    name: 'jnlp',
    image: '',
    resourceRequestCpu: '500m',
    resourceLimitCpu: '1000m',
    resourceRequestMemory: '3Gi',
    resourceLimitMemory: '4Gi',
    workingDir: '/home/jenkins',
    command: '',
    args: '${computer.jnlpmac} ${}'
]) {
  stage('ZAP Security Scan') {
    node('owasp-zap') {
        //the checkout is mandatory
        echo "checking out source"
        echo "Build: ${BUILD_ID}"
        checkout scm
        dir('zap') {
            def retVal = sh returnStatus: true, script: '/zap/ -r index.html -t <your url>'
            publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: true, reportDir: '/zap/wrk', reportFiles: 'index.html', reportName: 'ZAP Full Scan', reportTitles: 'ZAP Full Scan'])
            echo "Return value is: ${retVal}"
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