


Developer Tools

Tools to assist software developers in building, deploying, and running applications for BC Gov.

Artifact Repositories (Artifactory)

Artifactory is an artifact repository system by JFrog. You can find their documentation here.

What Can I Do With Artifactory?

There are three major features bundled with Artifactory:

  1. Caching repositories - these allow you to pull publicly accessible images through Artifactory instead of directly from the internet! The benefits include:

    • Your builds and deployments will be faster, because you're getting your images and packages from the local cluster instead of downloading them!
    • You will use less network bandwidth. Thanks for being such a good cluster citizen and caring for shared resources like bandwidth!
    • You can avoid pull limits, like the one on DockerHub! No more toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. errors!
    • You can share access to private repositories, like the RedHat repositories, without having to pay for additional accounts!
  2. Private repositories - a private place to push your own artifacts and images, with your own control over access! The benefits include:

    • You'll have a common space to store artifacts and images that may be sensitive!
    • You can still share artifacts with other teams working on openshift!
    • You get flexible control over who and how your team can access the artifacts!
    • You can use the same pull secrets you use to access the caching repos!
  3. Xray artifact scanning - this tool scans all artifacts for security issues, giving you a heads up about concerns and providing an opportunity to deal with issues before they become a problem! The benefits include:

    • Having your images scanned is easy - all you need to do is have a private repo in Artifactory!
    • Our amazing resident security expert can easily have access to the scan reports for your artifacts if you need help with them!
    • You can ensure all of your images - especially your production images - are secure without placing additional load on your devs!

How Do I Get Started?

Access to Artifactory is controlled through Artifactory Service Accounts. These are accounts that are intended to be shared by teams and used by automation tools like pipelines.

You won't need to do anything in the Artifactory application itself in order to get an Artifactory Service Account, because we have a helpful little robot that does that for you! Meet Archeobot - a custom operator that we use to give our amazing teams the freedom to manage their own Artifactory resources!

You'll want to get started by getting your hands on an Artifactory Service Account, which you can then use to pull images and packages through Artifactory!

Once you have one of those, you might want to consider getting your team an Artifactory Project, which you can use to get your hands on those private repositories!

How Do I Get An Artifactory Service Account?

Good news, you already have one! Or, you do if you have a project set somewhere on our Openshift 4 clusters!

Check your tools namespace, where you should find the following objects:

  1. An ArtifactoryServiceAccount called default
  2. A secret called artifacts-default-[random] containing:

    • a username for the Artifactory Service Account (probably something like default-[namespace-plate]-[random])
    • a password for the Artifactory Service Account

There is a random license plate assigned to the end of each object name, in order to ensure uniqueness. You can collect this information by running oc describe artsvcacct default. This will also provide some information about reconciliation status, as well as other details about the account! If you're looking for support with the Artifactory Service Account object, including the spec and status information in your ticket is extremely useful!

Tip! There's a short-name in Openshift for ArtifactoryServiceAccount objects so you don't have to type out such a long object type every time! You can use ArtSvcAcct instead!

You can get the username and password out of the secret using the CLI, like this:

oc get secret/artifacts-default-[random] -o json | jq '.data.username' | tr -d "\"" | base64 -d
oc get secret/artifacts-default-[random] -o json | jq '.data.password' | tr -d "\"" | base64 -d

Can We Have More Than One Artifactory Service Account?

Absolutely! You can make your own, however you like. The default one in your tools namespace is there to get you started, but you're welcome to make more to suit your needs. You can make as many as you like, in as many namespaces as you like (though we ask that you not go too crazy, as our friend Archeobot needs to be able to keep up with all of them)!

You can make one by running this command:

oc process -f -p NAME="[ASAname]" -p DESCRIPTOR="[Description of Service Account]" | oc create -f -

The 'ASAname' will be the name of the the ArtifactoryServiceAccount object - like 'default' above, for the one that is made for you in your tools namespace. It is not the name of the actual account. We recommend using a name that describes the way the account will be used.

Once Archeobot has reconciled your changes, you'll be able to use this account to access Artifactory as you like. You can use all the same commands outlined in the last section - just change default to whatever you've named your new ArtSvcAcct object!

For example, if you're making an account specifically for use in your Jenkins pipeline, you might want to use the name 'jenkins' for the Artifactory Service Account object. This will result in a secret called artifacts-jenkins-[random] and an account name called jenkins-[namespace]-[random]. You don't need to worry about name collisions with other teams - your account name has your namespace plate in it (the six alphanumeric characters that go before the -tools, -dev, -test or -prod in the namespace name), so even if there's another team who called their ArtifactoryServiceAccount 'jenkins', they'll still end up with a different name!

How Do I Delete an Artifactory Service Account?

If you want to delete your service account for some reason, you can do so by deleting the ArtifactoryServiceAccount object through the Openshift CLI, like this: oc delete ArtifactoryServiceAccount [ASAname] or oc delete artsvcacct [ASAname].

Archeobot will notice that you've done this and will clean up all the relevant bits - including any secrets it generated for you, so be careful!

If you try to delete the default one in your tools namespace, it will delete - but a new one (also called default) will be recreated, likely within about 5 minutes.

I Deleted my Artifactory Service Account Secret(s)! What Do I Do Now?!

If you have deleted the secret for the default service account that is automatically created alongside your project set, you just delete the ArtifactoryServiceAccount object called default, which you will find in your tools namespace, like so:

oc delete ArtifactoryServiceAccount default

Archeobot will detect that this object has been deleted and will remove the service account from Artifactory itself.

Then, the project provisioner will detect the missing ArtifactoryServiceAccount object and will create a new one in your tools namespace, also called default. This will likely happen within about 5 minutes. Once that happens, Archeobot will detect this 'new' object and create a new service account for you in Artifactory. The username will be different from before - the random string at the end will change to reflect that this is, technically, a new account with a new password and new privileges.

If you've accidentally deleted the secret(s) for a different Artifactory Service Account (one you created yourself, not the default on in your tools namespace), you follow the same process. The only difference is that the project provisioner will not recreate the object for you. You'll need to do that yourself. Delete the object, wait a few minutes for Archeobot to clean everything up, and then create a new ArtifactoryServiceAccount object. You can use the same ASA name if you'd like - but remember the actual username for the account will be different, because it will have a different random string at the end.

How Do I Use An Artifactory Service Account?

You can use your Artifactory Service Account to pull public images through Artifactory instead of over the internet. This is faster for you, helps to ease bandwidth pressure on the cluster, and allows us to implement additional security scanning! Win-win-win, with just a little extra setup!

Note: These instructions assume that the Artifactory instance is hosted at and a service account with appropriate permissions is already created. All accounts are automatically granted the necessary permissions to access the public caching repos in Artifactory.

How Do I Find Out What Repos Are Available?

The following curl command can be used to collect an up-to-date list of the caching repos available from Artifactory:

curl -u username:password -X GET "" | \ jq -r '(["ARTIFACTORYKEY","SOURCEURL"] | (., map(length*"-"))), (.[] | [.key, .url]) | @tsv' | column -t

Hint: use your service account username and password to run this command

If there is a particular public repository that you would like to see cached through Artifactory, feel free to speak to the Platform Services team about having it added!

How Do I Get An Artifactory Private Repository (aka How Do I Get An Artifactory Project)?

We use Artifactory Projects to provide teams with access to private repositories - if you want a private repository where you can push your own images or other artifacts, you'll need a project. If you don't want to be able to push your own images or other artifacts, you don't need a project.

If you want a project, the first thing you'll need to do is login to Artifactory using SSO at least once. When a new project is created, Archeobot uses the list of admins in your namespace to grant those people access to the new Project - they can then turn around and grant other people access as required. But Artifactory doesn't know about those accounts if those people have never logged in before! So be sure to do that - and be sure to login with GitHub (and not IDIR) because your Openshift access is bound to your github account. If you'd like to swap to IDIR later, that's fine, but you should use Github to start!

Once you've done that, create an ArtifactoryProject object on your Openshift namespace, like this:

oc process -f -p NAME="[APname]" | oc create -f -

Like with the ASAname in the previous section, the APname isn't going to completely reflect the name of the Project as it will appear in Artifactory. The Project's name in Artifactory will look something like [NamespacePlate]-[APname]. So, if you create an ArtifactoryProject object in the a1b2c3-tools namespace and give it an APname of test, then the Project's full name is going to be a1b2c3-test.

The project will also be given a shortname, called a Project Key. This will be created automatically using the first letter of your APname and 3 digits of your namespace name. So in our example Project, named a1b2c3-test, the Project Key will be ta1b. The Project Key must be unique.

When Archeobot sees a new ArtifactoryProject in your namespace, the first thing it'll do is send the Platform Team a note that you want a new Project, which we must approve. While you wait for your new ArtifactoryProject to be approved, you can look at it using the command oc describe artproj [APname]. You'll see that, under spec, there's an entry for your project key, and an approval_status field. It should read "pending" (though it might take a few minutes for Archeobot to notice and update the status, so don't fret if it doesn't say 'pending' immediately). This means that we haven't approved or rejected your request for an Artifactory project quite yet!

Once it's approved, you may see the approval_status field say "approved". In this situation, Archeobot knows that your ArtifactoryProject has been approved, but it hasn't had a chance to act on it yet and actually make the Project for you in Artifactory. More likely, though, you'll see a status of nothing-to-approve. This is the sort of "neutral" status that just tells you that there are no outstanding changes to be made. If you see this, it means that your Project has been created in Artifactory, and you can go login! Yay!

You may notice that... why yes, you can patch the approval_status field. Does this mean that you can approve your own Project?! No, no it does not. That field is there for informational purposes only, and to let Archeobot know to take a second look at your ArtifactoryProject if it changes. You can change it to approved if you want, but that won't do anything and will, rather quickly, result in Archeobot setting it right back to pending again.

My Request For a New Artifactory Project or Quota Increase Was Rejected - What Now?

Chances are, we've already talked to you about your request, so this shouldn't come as a surprise. If it does, please feel free to hit up the Platform Services team to ask some questions if you're not sure why your request was rejected! If you feel your request was rejected in error, let us know - if we talk about it and agree that it should be approved after all, we'll just go ahead and switch the status to approved and you should see those changes applied soon.

If the rejection is maintained, then you'll want to acknowledge the rejection - otherwise, any further change requests will be ignored. In order to acknowledge the rejection, you'll want to change your ArtifactoryProject object back to the state it was in before you made the request. If you were requesting a new Project, then all you need to do is delete the ArtifactoryProject object from your namespace! If you were requesting an increased quota, change the quota in the spec of your ArtifactoryProject back to match whatever quota your project currently has (hint: if you're not sure what this is, you can check in the Overview page for your Project in the Artifactory web GUI).

Once you've made the change, Archeobot will reconcile once more, and then you'll see that your approval_status will have changed back to nothing-to-approve (or you will have deleted the ArtifactoryProject object, in which case you won't see anything at all!) - this means your rejection has been acknowledged and you can make further change requests as you require.

What Do I Do Once I Have An Artifactory Project?

You'll be able to add repositories, add users to your project (who will then have access to your repositories), adjust the roles that your project uses to determine who has the authorization to perform which tasks in your project, and check the results of any Xray scans on your artifacts!

But first, you'll need to enter the Project in the Artifactory UI so you can see all this neat stuff! Once you've logged in, you'll see a drop-down box at the top of the screen that probably currently says "All". Click on this and select the name of your new Project to enter that project space! If you don't see it, that's because you're either not an admin in the relevant Openshift namespace (in which case you should go ask one of the admins to add you to the Artifactory Project), or you didn't login to Artifactory before creating the project (in which case you need to hit up the Platform Services team to fix it for you).

A couple of little tabs should now have appeared over the menu on the left - one with some boxes, and one with some gears. Click on the gears to enter the administrative tab of your Artifactory Project!

How Do I Make A Repository?

You can add a new repository to your project by clicking on the gear at the top of the menu on the left, then clicking the "Repositories" button and then clicking "Add Repositories" in the top corner. Most of the time, you'll be using a Local repository - though you may have occasion to use a virtual one. We'll get into the differences between those later. If you just want to push images to Artifactory, local is the one you want.

You'll need to pick a package type first. Once you've done that, you'll need to name your new repository. Notice that there's a little greyed-out box with your project key in front of the box where you can enter a name? All repos contained in projects will have the project key as a prefix. You don't need to add that yourself. As for the rest of the name, you should follow this naming convention: [desc]-[pkgtype]-[location]. So let's say you want to make just a general use docker repository for your team to push images to Artifactory. You might call your repo gen-docker-local. If we continue with the example from the Project creation section with a key of ta1b, then the whole name is going to be ta1b-gen-docker-local. In order to access this repo later, you'll use the URL

You might notice that our caching repos follow the same naming scheme - our repo for caching images from RedHat's docker repository, for example, is redhat-docker-remote.

You'll also need to pick your environments. These tags only affect access. You can grant a user in your project the ability to pull from all repos with the 'dev' tag, but not the 'prod' tag. Or you can do it vice versa. Make sure that you grant the appropriate access to the users who will need the artifacts in this repo!

You'll also definitely want to enable Xray Indexing at the bottom. Everything else can be left as default (though if you are familiar with these options and wish to change them, feel free to do so).

Click "Save and Finish." Congrats, you have a new repository that you can use! If you haven't done so already, be sure to grant the necessary access to your Artifactory Service Accounts!

How Do I Add Users or Service Accounts to My Project?

To add a new account to your project, click on the little gear at the top of the menu on the left, then click on "Identity and Access" --> Members, and then click on "Add Member" in the top right corner.

Switch to the "Users" tab at the top of the popup, and then search for a username. You can add the IDIR or GitHub user account of anyone who has already logged into Artifactory's GUI at least once - so if you have a team member who hasn't done that, make sure they do! You can also add any Artifactory Service Account. You can select multiple users to add them all at once. Then, you can specify the role you want to grant them. Typically, an Artifactory Service Account should be given the Contributor role, while a user should be given either the Developer role (to manage artifacts) or the Admin role (to manage access to the Project). You can also add additional roles to the Project, if you would prefer more finely-tuned control over who gets access to what.

How Do I Find Out More About How To Use My Artifactory Project?

Check out JFrog's extensive documentation on Artifactory Projects! There are plenty of features not covered here - including sharing repos between projects, more information on Xray reports and explanations of virtual repositories!

How Do I Push and Pull Artifacts?

So, you have an Artifactory Service Account, and maybe even a Project and some private repos. And now you find yourself wondering... how exactly do I actually use these? How do I make my BuildConfigs and DeploymentConfigs look to Artifactory for my images and other artifacts? Let's find out!

Docker Images

Note that these steps apply to all docker-type repositories, not just DockerHub!

Bonus! These steps work perfectly for ANY private docker registry, not just Artifactory! All you have to do is swap out the artifactory URL for the URL of your preferred registry!

Testing Your Account and Pulling Locally

On your command line, login to the registry like so:

docker login -u <USER_NAME> -p <USER_PASSWORD><REPO_NAME>

Example of our DockerHub caching repo looks like this:

docker login -u <USER_NAME> -p <USER_PASSWORD>

Pull from the registry from your local machine. Use this step for local development, and to test your account credentials.

docker pull<REPO_NAME>/<IMAGE>:<TAG>

Note: REPO_NAME is unique to each docker repository and must be a part of the URL to pull/push from docker registries hosted in Artifactory.

Pulling from Artifactory in Openshift

In order to pull from Artifactory in Openshift, you'll need:

  • a pull secret in the correct namespace
  • a reference to that pull secret in your build/deployment config
  • a reference to the artifactory URL wherever you reference your image

You can make your pull secret like this:

oc create secret docker-registry <pull-secret-name> \ \
    --docker-username=<username> \
    --docker-password=<password> \

Make sure you get the correct username and password from the artifacts-[ASAname]-[random] secret!

Now, add the secret to the default and builder Openshift service account, to allow these account to use this pull secret:

oc secrets link default <pull_secret_name>
oc secrets link builder <pull_secret_name>

Note that some Openshift documentation implies that linking the secrets in this way is the only necessary step, without having to add the pullSecret to your deployment/build configs as below. You are welcome to try this simpler way. However, we have found that our users run into problems with this method regularly, so we would encourage specifying the pullSecret in your configurations to avoid any problems

Now you can add your pull secret to your deployment config, like this...

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: <pod-name>
  - name: <container-name>
  - name: <pull-secret-name>

...or to your build config like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: BuildConfig
  name: <build-name>
          name: artifactory-creds
          kind: DockerImage


  • you don't need to use dockerStrategy here - it works the same way under other types of strategy as well
  • don't forget that you need to update the image url to point explicitly at Artifactory. If there's no URL, it will default to DockerHub.

With these steps completed, you can use this image in your build and/or deployment!


For this guide, we will use a repository in Artifactory called npm-remote which is pointing to the remote npm repository


Set npm registry -

$ npm config set registry

Authenticate to the registry

$ npm login
Username: <username>
Email: <username>@<namespace>.local

Once the authentication is complete, you can now pull artifacts from this registry

$ npm install inspectpack --registry
+ inspectpack@4.5.2
updated 1 package in 3.131s
4 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

Note: The user that has authenticated to artifactory must have appropriate permissions to pull from the repository, otherwise this command will return with permissions errors, just like the one shown below:

npm ERR! code E403
npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - GET
npm ERR! 403 In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting
npm ERR! 403 a package version that is forbidden by your security policy.

Once you're ready to build and deploy on Openshift, you'll need to add the following lines to your assemble file:

npm config set registry
curl -u $AF_USERID:$AF_PASSWD >> ~/.npmrc

Check out the repo-mountie assemble file for an example!


To deploy build artifacts through Artifactory you need to add a deployment element with the URL of a target local repository to which you want to deploy your artifacts. Following is an example snippet


Other Repo Types

There are tons of other repository types available on Artifactory! You can browse through them by logging onto (click the SSO symbol to use either Github or IDIR to log in) and use the UI to see what is available! We expect these will be very common options for repository types, but if your team uses something else (NuGet, for example), you can find JFrog's complete documentation on the various repo types here:

If your team uses a specific package type not listed here, we encourage you to create a PR for this document to provide some of your learnings to other teams!

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