


Design System

British Columbia Government Design System for Digital Services

[!WARNING] This version of the design system is archived, and is no longer supported. Visit to learn more about the new B.C. Design System.

About The Design System

The Design System helps developers and designers build better digital products and services.

It’s a collection of digital resources and tools – including a library of reusable UI/interface components and design patterns. The system makes it easier and faster to build custom B.C. government websites and applications.

Components are collectively built by the government community, meet accessibility standards and are open for input and improvement.

Use the Design System if you’re building custom B.C. government and applications. For more information about applying for external URLs, contact the B.C. government Joint Working Group.

The Team

The Design System is managed by a team of designers and developers and the government community. The system is a part of the DevHub, a project by the Developers’ Exchange that brings together UI/interface and back-end resources for digital teams.

The Community

The system is collectively built and maintained by the government community. It’s open source, which means that anybody can provide input, offer suggestions and get involved.

Share your feedback to make this resource better for everyone.

How the system works

How might we improve people’s interaction with B.C. government digital products and services?

The system is a part of the answer.

It provides developers and designers with the tools they need to build great digital government products and services. The system is collectively built and managed, so all the tools and resources are the product of the community.

As part of this, we are committed to making all the tools and resources we create:


The community and Design System management team will support the maintenance and development of new resources and tools. This means you can flag issues and they’ll be addressed, discuss rationale and directly chat with the management team whenever you need.


The system is only valuable if the community finds it valuable. If a tool or resource isn’t meeting your needs, tell us why and work with us to make it better. We’ll also come to you – in your office, at your desk and share what’s new, ask what you need and share how you can get involved.


The system is built in GitHub and meant to be shared and improved by everyone. The code is open source and our work is in the open. We are transparent about how choices are made and tools are improved. Ask us…anything.

Contribute to the Design System

Help with design

Help with code

  • Code contribution guide
  • Report an issue

Help with usability

  • Component discussions
  • Provide research findings
  • Create an Issue

Design System

  • home
  • disclaimer
  • privacy
  • accessibility
  • copyright
  • contact us
  • Government Of BC